ESFA Hotshots, Intra-School Football

ESFA Hotshots 2022/23- The ESFA’s Intra-School Campaign

ESFA Hotshots Intra-School Football Campaign is back for 2022-23 and taking part could result in your school winning up to £1500! Register your school’s interest by filling out the form in the story below.

Hotshots is all about intra-school football. The project’s aim is to get as many young people as possible playing schools’ football and to build on the success of the campaign in the 21/22 season, which saw over 30,000 young people taking part.

The ESFA is able to incentivise this activity, so that each school that signs up and organises intra-school football during the 22/23 season will be entered into a prize draw, with the possibility of winning a £1,500 cash prize from their relevant category!

The Association has put together a short guide for schools, providing some helpful information on how to plan intra-school football activity – whether it’s playing on a playground, on a field with jumpers for goal posts, or a 3G pitch. The guide also highlights how the prize draw will work and will provide a date structure for schools to plan activity around. You can download this below:

Registering Interest

To register your interest in this season’s ESFA hotshots campaign, please fill out the short survey below.

Click here to register


The ESFA has created a Hotshots certificate to reward individual participation, as well as a suite of social media assets which schools can download and share across their own channels.

All ESFA assets, including terms & conditions for the prize draws are available on the dedicated Hotshots webpage.

The Association is keen to track the Hotshots progress across England via social media and will be encouraging schools to post about their activity, tagging @schoolsfootball on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and using the hashtag #ESFAHotshots

Good luck to all the schools and pupils taking part in this season’s Hotshots activity

Twitter: @SchoolsFootball #ESFAHotshots  

Instagram: @SchoolsFootball  #ESFAHotshots

Facebook: Schools’ Football