Child Welfare Policy Downloads & Resources

The ESFA is committed to safeguarding children and as such complies with all FA safeguarding regulations, and expects its Members to do the same. So that Members always have access to the most recent FA policies, you are advised to follow this link to the FA safeguarding web page:

The documentation will make reference to “clubs” and “leagues”, rather than schools and associations, but the expectations in there should be easy to interpret: if this is not the case, please contact one of the ESFA’s National Child Welfare Officers (, for clarification.  

You can also find links to your mandatory training, and other training opportunities, here:

Safeguarding Document for Associations

In the meantime, you can find The FA’s Safeguarding strategy and the ESFA’s safeguarding children policy below.”

The FA’s Safeguarding Strategy 

ESFA Safeguarding Children Policy